ODI — ERP Cloud incremental extractions
This article is an extension of this one.
Here I’m going to show how to extract data incrementally from ERP Cloud.
Creating a variable
Let’s start by creating a new Variable:
Give a name and choose datatype Alphanumeric:
On Refreshing tab write your SQL code in this case I’m picking always the current date. You need to use this date mask otherwise your mapping it will fail.
Select to_char(sysdate,’yyyymmdd_hh24miss’) from dual
Run your variable:
Open your mapping and change the LAST_LOAD_DATE option to use the variable that we created:
The “#DEMO” is the name of my project. If your project’s name is “ERP” so the variable name is “#ERP.v_Last_Load_date”.
To automate the process you can create a Package and refresh this variable every time that you run it. Drag and drop the variable and the mapping that you want to load:
If you have any doubt, reach out to me through LinkedIn or Medium.