ODI Marketplace — Configuring the domain for the J2EE agent
This post is part of configuration of Setting up ODI marketplace high availability.
All steps that you need to configure the domain for the J2EE agent to use in ODI. Follow the screenshots during your installation.
Choose the right templates, after click on other templates will be checked automatically:
- Oracle Data Integrator — Agent
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in for ODI
- Oracle Data Integrator — Console
Choose Production mode;
On database configuration click on Connection URL String and replace with your wallet:
- jdbc:oracle:thin:@adweloi_low?TNS_ADMIN=/home/opc/wallet_ADWEloi
Click on connection properties and add this (check the screenshot in case of doubt):
- oracle.net.authentication_service TCPS
- oracle.net.ssl_server_dn_match false
- javax.net.ssl.trustStore /home/opc/wallet_ADWEloicwallet.sso
- javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType SSO
- javax.net.ssl.keyStore /home/opc/wallet_ADWEloi/cwallet.sso
- javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType SSO
Managed Servers —for first server(ODI_server1) left the Server Group by default, the second one in this case ODI_server2 (running on ODI Node 2) you must choose the server groups:
After complete the installation go back to Setting up ODI marketplace high availability.